Avatar We Buy Any Sheep DOT com

Do you have a lot of sheep? Are you tired of having a lot of sheep? Wouldn’t you much rather get rid of your sheep and enjoy having a sheep-free lifestyle?

You need webuyanysheep.com

We will buy your sheep in any condition, any age, any colour, creed or denomination. We will take however many sheep off your hands and give you the best possible price on the market right now.

We want your sheep and we will do anything to get your sheep. Anything at all. We have done awful things to get other people’s sheep and we will do the same to you, unless you give us your sheep.

Bring on the sheep. We will glady take your sheep when you’re sleeping. We would much rather give you a great deal than sneaking into your premises at night and bundling them into our trusted van.

Give us your damn sheep right now and nobody gets hurt.

Avatar Beaver Ian

This is Beaver Ian.

It is me re-imagined as a beaver. You can tell that it’s me because it looks like me, albeit with beaver characteristics. I am often caught with a Walter Matthau hang-dog expression on my face and five days out of seven can be seen wearing what resembles a suit, and pretending to be an adult.

This re-imagining was drawn courtesy of Reuben. This is officially the best drawing of me ever and is practically on the same level of dedication and excellence as the drawing my niece did of her dad with penises for hands.

I only wish I looked as good as Beaver Ian.


Avatar Episode 2: Cheery Polar Bears

Hot on the heels from Episode 1 comes… you guessed it, Episode 2!

In this episode, Kev and Ian discuss, amongst other things:

  • The musical zeitgeist
  • How to recognise a time travelling horse
  • The future of breakfast cereal
  • The economics of Chinese Manufacturing



Avatar Episode 1: Your Mum loves a sexy pony

This right here, is a world exclusive. I know technically (and actually) all of our posts are world exclusives, but some of them just feel more worthy of the title than others, that’s all I’m saying. And what I’m saying is that this is one of them.

So. Right then. Here it is. In a first for Pouring Beans Productions, here is your very first actual Pouring Beans Podcast.

It doesn’t really have a name as such, except that this one is the first one and features the phrase, “Your Mum loves a sexy pony”. So i guess its called Episode 1: Your Mum loves a sexy pony.

EDIT: You can now subscribe to all of the wonderfulness in iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/pouringbeans/id1202597817