I know nothing about the owner of this house.

I know nothing about the owner of this house except that they named their house this.
Imagine coming up with this.
Imagine coming up with it and thinking it was so good, so funny, so enduring in its humour that it wouldn’t just bring you joy and laughter in this one moment where you thought of it, but it would continue to bring you joy and laughter for years to come.
Imagine thinking that it would bring joy and laughter to other people if you stuck it on the front of your house.
Imagine applying to the Royal Mail to change the name of your property. Applying to the council to have it amended in their records. Speaking to people at every bank and utility company who have your details to explain to them, and spell out letter by letter, your brilliant joke, so that it would appear on all the post addressed to you.
Imagine going in to Timpson’s and asking them for a rustic wooden house sign in sustainable pine with bark surround and telling them that this is the word you want them to engrave into it using three-inch-high letters in Chancery Bold Italic.
Imagine that.
14 comments on “DiJaBringaBeer”
This is appalling to my eyes and my sensibilities. It’s a one joke joke and one that will keep repeating on loop until they change it back to a number or something better than that.
A one joke joke that I apparently have to endure every time I drive past it.
Everything about this is awful. People who live in houses with names instead of numbers are all wankers, right Chris?
That’s the general rule of thumb. I’m glad none of us do that.
My house has a number. It’s just a really elaborate number that is most easily written down by using a series of letters. Like algebra.
You have an algebraic house? I didn’t notice that when you were pushing us out of your kitchen and forcing us to move a table for you.
There was no time to explain the complex algebraic notation to you when there was manual labour for you to be getting on with.
I believe there was plenty of time to go through all of this as we helped you make money by moving the table to a place that was more easily accessed by your Facebook buyer.
I fully respect your beliefs and your wayward ethical code, but I also will not be sharing the profits.