Shock news from across the water as a new perfume is about to hit the market with a familiar smell that may turn your stomach.
Australian nose fondling magnate, Winter de Socket, will soon be releasing a fragrance that harnesses the essence of faeces in a move which has confounded critics and befuddled just about everyone else.
“It’s all about turning that notion on its head,” said de Socket at a recent promotional event, “the idea that something is bad. Oh, you can look at something and dismiss it as uncool, pathetic or sad then ten years later that same thing is the talk of the town. Trends change. People change. Why can’t the same thing happens with smells?”
The particular type of faeces chosen for the perfume is from our four legged friend, the cow. Surely the most well known of all poo types, next to our own of course. The fact that de Winter is releasing poo perfume is quite mad, the idea of paying £200.00 for a 200ml bottle surely bordering on insanity and yet since the pre-order window opened, the website has consistently been sold out. Who exactly is buying this guff?
We turned to fashionista Melandra Melody for an insight into this madness. “You have to understand he’s been pushing these kinds of boundaries for years,” she says, “so he knows exactly what he’s doing. You smell poop and you wince away in shame. What Winter smells is the future, what he can smell is fresh money and possibly a new conservatory the size of your house. I saw him waiting tables back in Melbourne and two years later he’s the genius who decided to bottle the smell of fresh hands. Harness the power of scent and you too could be as successful as him.”
What exactly can we expect from the future then? Is going to harness the power of sick and flog it to the rich and wealthy?
“That is a distinct possibility. Stranger things have happened. This is only the first perfume in his new line so your guess is as good as mine. Whatever it is though you can guarantee it will be a hit!”
Comforting words from a world most of us will never fully understand. Will his next perfume be earwax? That weird stuff you find in your belly button? Would you pay two hundred pounds to pour essence of cadaver over your body? If you’ve got deep enough pockets then you too could smell like a hobo for the right price.
You have my condolences.
6 comments on “Newsboost – Improper perfume positioned for prosperity”
I’m torn between the desire to be right on the fashions and the desire not to be decked spurned by those around me because they find me repellent.
On second thoughts people already find me repellent so I’m buying one.
Buy one? No no no, my friend, buy many and them some. You can’t be too careful about this. Who knows when you’ll need the smells?
How many do you recommend I buy? My budget is £10.10.
Hmmm, I can sell you a tenth of a bottle. I’ll have to squirt it into a plastic bag because I don’t have any smaller receptacles. That fine?
Wow. The days of ten for £10.10 are long behind us. That stings.
Haven’t you looked out the window? Economy is well and truly macked.