Around the world, every single day, remarkable people are creating remarkable new things, making their ideas and innovations a reality. And since the start of 2016, Pouring Beans Productions has been sending its reporters out to meet some of those people and catch a glimpse of the exciting inventions that are in development.
In this episode of Things!, Dougie McLaughten meets a man from Banbury who hopes to revolutionise the way we buy petrol and other inflammable spirits.
16 comments on “Things! Ep. 4 – Petrol Pockets”
WHEN I CAN GET TO A… sorry. When I can get to a computer that can display this mo’ fo’ I am putting my face right through it.
THAT’S FINE, THERE’S… sorry. That’s fine, there’s no rush.
You need to get the air out before you close the zip-lock.
On Monday, I got a job.
THATS GREAT. FANTAS… Sorry. That’s great news. You need your own post with smashers news like that.
IT IS BRILLIANT N… sorry. It is brilliant news but I’m a bit concerned it’s distracting us from the important issue of Petrol Pockets.
WHAT WE NEED THEN I… Sorry, what we need then is a separate post for Miss Wolfson to draw attention to the fact that she’s got a job. I’d use one of my posts but I’m only allowed four and there’s only one left for April.
I AM IN AG… Sorry. I am in agreement but I’m planning to use my last April post to review Suggs’s important 1995 album, The Lone Ranger. It may have to wait until May.
THAT IS A VERY IMPOR… Sorry, that is a very important post and can’t wait. Even though it pains me to say it, I think we may have to delay celebrating Miss Wolfson’s new job until next month.
Does that make us bad people?
NO… sorry. No.
GOOD. I’VE GOT ENOUGH TO… Sorry, I’ve got enough going on right now without feeling bad about something else.
Although I am still chuffed like a chuffer for Miss Wolfson’s good fortune.
WE’RE ALL VERY PL… sorry. We’re all very pleased for Miss Wolfson’s magnificent achievement but that shouldn’t mean we rush the celebration. Keep your tinder dry.
Thanking you kindly. Although I did lose my hat in the tail wind of your bellowing… I thought the coast was clear so I let go of it, then what do you know? Someone bellowed again and it just simply flew right off my very head!
THAT’S SUCH A SH… sorry. That’s such a shame. Your hat was both delicate and beguiling, like a mermaid made of doilies.
WE DIDN’T MEAN TO CA… Sorry, we didn’t mean to cause a commotion. It started and once it had it was hard to stop. Waaaaaaay (what?)
Wheeeeeeeeeey! (…what.)
Waaaaaaay (… what?)