7 comments on “Consider me!

  • I don’t think I can put into words just how considered I feel. And also, having looked at these pictures, camp. Considered and camp.

  • What you do with your face in your own time is not our concern. I consider you more animated than camp. Most people don’t even get the kind of range from your face in a day over their entire lives.

  • Good. Keep that close to your heart and you’ll never be bullied again.

    Do you often get accused of being camp? Mine stopped when I stopped being a teenager. I mean you got the odd one here and there but never as frequent as before.

  • Shame. When I’m running I still get the odd, “run, Forrest, run” as if someone still hasn’t found something better to say in the 30 years since ‘Forrest Gump’ was released.

  • Nobody ever shouted anything at me when I used to go running. Just yet another example of the general public not considering me.

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