The three of us have a podcast, it has a massive regular listenership of probably 4 people, us and Madge. But what do the stats say? Lets dig in and get all the important info on the podcasts thats literally taking up space on the internet…
How are people listening?

It seems that the most popular way people are enjoying the podcast is “Other”, with 5 listens in October, with the big hitters of ‘iTunes’, ‘Pocket Casts’ and ‘Overcast’ bringing up the rear. The ones that really stands out though are those people out there using all the modern tech to listen via ‘played in a new window’. Exciting stuff.
What are they listening to?
Well it appears that there are some classics in the line up that someone out there just cant get enough of. The run down of our “Top 10 Episodes of all time” reveals that our earlier (pre-Chris) episodes are the most popular, as are the last two ‘This way Ups’, which probably do feature Chris…
What else?
In other podcast news, I freshened up the feeds, with proper graphics and new names… names you say? Yes, because ‘This Way Up’ now has its own feed and graphic, at least on iTunes. You can find it be searching for… yes, you guessed it ‘This way up’. I know nobody will, and even we have already heard them all, but you know neatness and all that.
9 comments on “A Breath of Fresh Beans: The hot deets.”
What is “other”? How can I listen by “other”? As you know I am always keen to be right on the fashions and this is a bandwagon I’m desperate to hop aboard.
If you have to ask, then its not for you. Besides, your beard isn’t plaited and your trousers meet your shoes, so they wouldn’t let you in anyway.
I expect ‘other’ is people cheating, listening to it through the floorboards of someone else listening to it because they’re not on the fashions.
That suggests that we have secret listeners who either live above or below you, or above or below me, or above or below Auds, or in Kev’s loft.
That’s a lot of ground to cover. I suggest a search party
Amazing idea. Once the secret listeners hear us having a party they’ll want to join in, and will be unable to resist revealing themselves in the hope of socialising with incredible people like us.
I’ll bring a selection of sherries.
A selection of herrings?
The protection of herrings? I don’t know how much I can do to look out for the herrings when I’ve got this party to organise. Maybe Kev can help with that.
I tell you what, bring the sherries and we’ll work out how to protect the herrings.
Leave it to me, I’ve got this.