Welcome to back to a breath of fresh beans, this week we’re just going to nip to the loo, don’t worry, not literally (we did that before we started recording).
Suggestions in this pod are:
- Weird
- Posh
- Nosy
- Espionagey
Audio Player
Welcome to back to a breath of fresh beans, this week we’re just going to nip to the loo, don’t worry, not literally (we did that before we started recording).
Suggestions in this pod are:
9 comments on “ABOFB: Nip to the loo”
I haven’t listened to this, but I am finding this list of topics even more intriguing than usual.
I haven’t listened to this yet but I will after the set time of one week passes where I keep meaning to sit down to listen and never do. I need to break the cycle.
I’m listening to it on the way home from work tonight. But I still haven’t listened to it yet.
I have now listened to it and highly recommend it. I’m left wishing we’d reached some conclusions but overall it was an interesting and worthwhile discussion.
Incidentally, I see that the podcast is eight years old today.
It’s practically driving! (Not in the slightest)
I still haven’t listened to it and must make recompense post haste.
Too much exploring the world and having experiences you’ll remember for a lifetime. Not nearly enough reliving conversations you had several years ago that were of literally no consequence.
I have listened now. Separate corgi bathroom next to the queens private bog? Madness.
I expect Charles has had all that ripped out now and turned the whole thing into one big wet room.