I had big plans, huge plans. These plans were colossal and they were monstrous.
If you tried to eat them then you’d either break your jaw trying to fit them in your mouth or you’d have to stop maybe halfway through because you couldn’t have anymore, you were stuffed to the max. They were gigantic.
My marvellous post will have to wait for another time. Until then, feast your eyes on this quiche that my brother served us the last time we were in Leeds. He kept bigging it up (no pun intended), saying how epic it was, how it dwarfed a regular sized quiche and…

Well, it is slightly larger than your average quiche and that’s about it. When you compare it to the Duplo brick though it looks humongous.
7 comments on “Bit of a fail”
Can I tell you something? I absolutely hate quiche. There’s not many foods I would find it hard to eat but quiche makes me feel nauseous.
This is news to me. Didnt they call you Christopher “Mr Quiche” Marshall back in the day? I thought you lived for quiche?
No. I vomited in the presence of quiche. It’s different.
So you’ll snap up the Redbush but you’ll scoff at the quiche? I wish you’d told me sooner, you charlatan.
That’s about the shape of it. The only solution is a redbush quiche, but scientists are so busy working on the elusive spherical quiche that we probably won’t see it in our lifetimes.
You make an excellent point. I had forgotten about the tumultuous epic that is the spherical quiche and those brave men and women who strive day and night to make it a real thing.
It’s a complete waste of time, and yet I fully support it. Last month I donated a number of objects to the cause, some of which I owned.