In the last few years, whenever there are renovations to some part of the building where I work, there have been some common design elements. They’re always more colourful for a start, which is nice because the building’s original colour scheme was mainly shades of grey. They also involve little holes or indents in otherwise blank panels that spell things in morse code.
In reception, for example, there are large dark coloured panels with a repeating pattern in morse code that’s lit from behind, which spells out the name of the building over and over again. It’s like a little interior design Easter egg.
Lately, a shared kitchen area near our room was refitted and gained new green cupboard doors. One of them just covers the equipment for the instant hot water tap. It has a pattern of holes that form a vent so the cupboard has some air circulation, and the holes are in morse code.
Eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I looked up a morse code translator to see what the vent spells.

It says VENT VENT.
14 comments on “Cracking the code”
That’s so disappointing. I was hoping it was a secret message from Terry Wogan, written before his death and incorporated into the design by some smart person.
It still could be. How do you know “vent vent” wasn’t the catchphrase he always hoped would take off? It would sound great in his gentle Irish tones.
That sounds more like an order, some ne’er do well shouting it in the streets whilst cracking over a can of Special Brew and smoking a massive tab. That’s not our Terry.
That sounds like a very accurate description of how Wor Terry spent his youth. It was only in later years that he adopted his familiar avuncular persona and stopped using football matches as an excuse to kick people’s heads in.
Wogan’s woes? Wor Tel was a troublesome youth? Get away man.
It’s true. He’d roam flat-roofed council estate pubs, picking fights dealing a range of narcotics, all while bellowing “VENT VENT” at the confused patrons.
What a guy.
I read that as “pickling fights”.
It sounds to me like a way of taking a really good punch-up and preserving it forever in a little jar.
Some fights are too good to let them go. Oscar Wilde said that.
If you can put a tiny boat in a glass container then surely you can stick a fight in one, yeah?
Two Oscar Wilde quotes in a row! This thread is getting very cultured.
It’s all I’ve ever wanted.