Avatar Everybody has a house now

We have reached a momentous landmark in the life and times of the Beans Massive, which is that all of us – every single Bean – now owns a house.

To commemorate this occasion, I have had three beautiful portraits specially commissioned, that each recreate the atmosphere and excitement on the day we moved in to our houses.

Please enjoy these fine works of art. If you would like the original to frame and hang over your fireplace, get in touch and we can discuss terms.

Kev and Sarah

Kev and Sarah bought a place first. Here they are standing outside their brand new gaff, all freshly painted magnolia, with their faithful flock of bees.

Chris and Kate

Kate and I were next. This picture captures us as we arrive at our French chateau for the first time, gin in hand.

Ian and Vikki

Completing the set, here are Ian and Vikki just last week, with Ian holding the first consignment of manga that will eventually come to overrun the entire building.

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