We bought our house from people who thought they’d be living there forever. They didn’t, because we sent them away so that we could have it all for ourselves. I regret nothing.
Anyway, last week we pulled all the wallpaper off the walls in what had been their baby room, and found a charming memento painted behind it that had presumably been intended to last for many years.
It lasted five years and we’ve painted over it. But here it is, a message from five Novembers ago, just to prove it once existed.

13 comments on “Five Novembers ago”
It was a momentous occasion but not momentous enough to put the day in November they were referring to?
I don’t think they were sure. They only knew that it was some time in November. They also only had a four inch wide paintbrush, which is not what I use for my best handwriting, or besters handers writers, but each to their own.
Is it a message? What was the subtext?
It is a message. The subtext is “here is the approximate date we put our paint covered hands on the wall”. My reply was “here are three coats of paint from a terrible manufacturer I won’t be buying from again”.
What if, and I know I’m going out on a limb here, what if it’s actually a picture instead of words? Say… two French baguettes hitting something over the head with a rolling pin?
Two baguettes hitting 2017 over the head with a rolling pin. That’ll be it.
I don’t know if you remember this but 2017 was the year that ended in mid-November, and nobody was sure why. Now we know. It got boshed on the noggin with a continental loaf and passed out.
It seems like a plausible explanation if you ask me. If you don’t ask me, I’ll have to come up with an explanation that involves some kind of a pulley system.
I’m tempted not to ask you just so I can see how the pulley system works.
Are you asking about not asking? Surely that counts as an ask. Ask Kev, he’ll know.
I wasn’t asking about not asking, I was musing about not asking, which is very different. That doesn’t count as an ask, it only counts as a Muse, which is a band that has produced nine studio albums that all sound exactly the same.
That’s a very disparaging opinion of Muse. If someone who liked them turned up here and read that comment they’d be flipping livid, mate, livid. Good job there’s a slim chance of that happening.
We’re safe here on our very public website. It’s like being in a house made entirely of glass, but which nobody at all ever wants to see into.
I’m happy with that. Less judgement from the general public.