Avatar Floater

Recently a new floater has entered my life. It is a dark spot in my right eye that is very obvious when I am looking at something white – a blank Word document, for example, or a sheet of paper, or this empty blog post that fills the screen. It hovers a bit below the thing I’m looking at and is only sometimes visible.

There it is. Little bastard. Go away, floater.

Generally speaking anything that has the title “floater” is something I disapprove of. I like floats perfectly well, of course – there are three that spring to mind:

  1. Vehicles moving in a carnival, carrying people who wear bright costumes and wave a lot. I like waving. These floats are good.
  2. A glass of coke with a block of vanilla ice cream in it, forming a weird foamy top and offering the pinnacle of hot day refreshment from the 1980s. Coke floats are delicious and I haven’t had one for ages but I might now have to go make one.
  3. The small amount of cash put into a shop’s till at the start of the day. I don’t have any strong feelings about this but I certainly don’t disapprove of it.

Floaters though? No. Nothing good comes with that name. The lavatorial variety need no discussion. The eyeball kind haven’t bothered me much until now but they are not welcome here.

I’ve always had a couple of little floaters in my eye, of course – virtually transparent ones only occasionally visible when I look at a bright clear sky and focus my eye a certain way, or something. But now this little dark bastard is here, uninvited. He will probably be a feature of my vision for the rest of my life, and is visible proof – highly visible proof, since he’s literally everywhere I look – that I am growing older and my eyes are only going to get worse.

Last year I went to the optician for the first eye test I’ve ever done. I have been lucky with my eyes until now. I’d noticed that reading anything with small writing now involved moving that thing slightly further away from my face. The optician said no, my eyes were great, nothing needed, thank you. Excellent, I said. Come back in two years, he said. You’ll need glasses then. My face dropped. Is there anything I can do, I asked? No, he said. You’re just getting old.

Now my glasses deadline is just 12 months away and, as if I wanted or needed a reminder of my gathering years, in what is likely to be my last year of unfiltered ocular excellence, my floater has arrived to remind me of my mortality.

Floaty little bastard.

I’m off for a Coke float.

8 comments on “Floater

  • Sod your eyes. Who in their right mind would willingly subject themselves to a Coke Float? You’ve gone too far this time.

  • Too far? I haven’t gone far enough. Writing this made me want to go and have a Coke Float again, but also made me wonder what other beverages could be successfully floated. I’d be willing to give a Dr Pepper Float a go, and I bet a Dandelion and Burdock Float would be a winner.

  • I haven’t had a coke float in decades. We had them as kids because it was a step up from a regular ice cream treat on a hot day. Kev clearly only got slices of bread from his parents in summer.

  • I expect he had bread floaters, which is a glass of coke with a full slice of Mother’s Pride folded up and pushed into it.

  • That’s so grim and yet so HIM at the same time. What a Kevin to have to go through that. Next time you’re over, let’s bring some coke and some vanilla ice cream and show him how it’s really done.

  • Yes. He’ll be opposed to it at first, of course, then we’ll go ahead and do it anyway and he’ll refuse and mock the delicious floats. Then when we’re enjoying them he’ll secretly be jealous, and will learn a valuable and heartwarming lesson.

  • I wont. I don’t see the appeal of a slowly curdling mix of ice cream and fizzy pop. I like an outlandish combo, I’ve happily eaten a toffee yogurt using mini poppadoms as spoons, but coke floats are wrong and will be wrong as long as I live.

    Now a bread floater, that’s another matter…

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