Avatar Future prospects

When I was a kid, I was surrounded by computers. My dad and brother were obsessed with them, so much so that the latter’s attic bedroom had about a third of it taken up with a desk where two or three computers would permanently sit. We had the good ole BBC, the Archimedes, and sometimes on special occasions the ZX Spectrum would make an appearance.

All I wanted to do was play games. I would make my brother load up something on the BBC and I would play for five minutes until my character inevitably died, then insist on another game. I was never interested in anything to do with programming. I do remember seeing screens of random numbers and wondering what it all meant. Little baby Ian clearly was more concerned with Frogger crossing the road.

I did, however, teach myself to type. Not proper touch typing, I learned to wing it and give myself enough to get by. It is one of the things I’m glad I did practise so as not to be one of those people who must type each letter individually and it takes them 800 years to write a single email. I gave up on the instrument from primary school music class (might have been a French horn, memory is fuzzy) but not typing.

On occasion I see something that makes me want to take a step further, to better myself in the unsure landscape that is the 21st century. Could I do better? Of course I could, I could be like Kev with all his wireless abbababs, throwing them at fictional servers or whatever it is he does all day. If I could really get into something IT-based then it would need to be something important. It would need to be something that would help to make the world a better place. It would have to be what everyone needs and not enough people have.

Then I saw it. I saw it and I had to have it. A new day is dawning.

7 comments on “Future prospects

  • Will you be posting all your attempts at 3D rabbit modelling here, so we can all enjoy witnessing your progress from beginner to absolute nerd?

  • But you’ve got it, right? You said you had to have it so I assume you bought it. Now you just need the PC and you’re away. One step complete, one step to go. Then you start posting screengrabs of all your 3D rabbits.

  • As the Civil Aviation Authority, haven’t you got a Boeing 747 flight computer you can use for your rabbit modelling? Do it on that. I’m not buying you expensive presents.

  • I’m pretty sure you can, now you’ve invested £18.99 in this quality product. If you can’t then I’d suggest you get your money back.

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