gghgdfghdfghdfghdfgh ddfgd ;lfkdgjh ;dflgkjh ;fdglkhj ldfkjgh df;lkj; lskfgj;hdflgkhjfd; ghlkjd f;glhkj d;lkfgj h;lkdjs;ldfkjg l;kj s;lkdfj goaijkfgdfn; gjklh;slkj ;slfkdgj ;sldfkjg ;slkdfjg ;slkfdjg ;slkjfd g
23 comments on “How they find us: 2019”
This is the best post I’ve EVER read.
I have learn so much!
The more you read it the more you can make sense out of this crazy wild ride we call life.
The best bit is the big G. After that it deteriorates.
I oft find that one big letter is better than lots of little letters. You can really take control of a conversation with a loud, “G!” booming from your pipes.
Absolutely. In many ways, the mistake Kev made here was writing anything at all after his big G. He peaked there and it’s usually best to finish on a high.
The mistake he made was not doing a try, he should always do a try, but possibly also do a finish too.
In fairness, he finished the big G.
He did, I suppose we can give him that. In the end though that’s only a mildly appeasing 16 out of 100 beans though.
That’s how we rate things, with beans. He needs more. Send him a hearty slice of vim will you?
I haven’t got any vim. I’m going to send him a tin of baked beans instead. There’s plenty of beans in there. He’ll get the hint.
Make sure that you right a note and include it. Save some paper by writing the message directly onto the beans themselves.
Come on now. I’d hardly left a note, would I?
You are right to not left a note. What a foolhardy statement! Woe betide me.
Woe betidings for sure, young man. I’ll right that note right on to those damn beans and shove the whole tinsworth Kevwards forthwith.
He won’t know what hit him.
Will he eat them? Once those beans are in him will the words then come out, possibly as your voice? Chris’ words coming from Kev’s mouth. Only time will tell.
I don’t think that’s how writing works. If you write, say, “wank pellets” on a piece of paper and post it to Bromley, and the innocent householder in Bromley decides to eat it, will they then say “wank pellets” in your voice? I think not.
Are… are you sure that’s not how words work?
Also, WORDS!
Yes. I’m sure that’s not how words work. No matter how aggrieved you sound when you say “words”.
It’s a bit of a head-scratcher that is. The word ‘words’ is about lots of things but it’s only one word. You would think that the word ‘words’ would be longer and incorporate more words.
Are you saying that the word “words” would be more appropriate if it included all other words in it? That would be time consuming to pronounce.
For something so short that means something so big you would think it would be bigger. It doesn’t have to have ALL the words in although it should have more letters to make it a longer word.
Perhaps wuououourouourrrrrouourds?
What if you just wrote it bigger? Like:
That could also work. I reckon that if we incorporate both of these dickens into the Oxford English Dictionary then perhaps English will be a little less confusing for everyone.