Before I was about 22, I never wore slippers at all. Our house was a socks house. You took your shoes off and then you just went around in your socks until it was time to put your shoes back on and go outside somewhere. Just one pair of socks, though, not two at once. We weren’t savages.
But my student house was cold, and my housemates all wore slippers, and eventually the peer pressure got to me. On a trip to Next at the Trafford Centre I gave in and bought myself some suede slippers with a very jaunty orange liner. They were amazing, and I was an immediate convert. Now I’m a slipper person.
Since then I’ve spent many years working my way through successive pairs of black suede-effect slippers from Debenhams, but they don’t make them any more, and Debenhams is on its way to the wheely bin of corporate catastrophe, so they aren’t coming back. So now I don’t just need new slippers, I need to choose a whole new slipper type. Nightmare.
I spent several weeks not doing anything about it, because whenever I looked I wouldn’t find anything I liked. But my hand has been forced by the very cold floors in the new house and I made an emergency purchase of some fairly cheap ones that have stripes on the inside, just to keep my feet warm.
You can probably guess the punchline. My stripey slipper snobbery was ill-founded. The new slippers are warm, snug and everything I require. There’s no looking back now. It’s these bad boys all the way.

Please do share your own slipper stories here, unless they’re about wearing two pairs of socks at once. Nobody wants that.
8 comments on “New slippers”
There was this time that I was putting the second pairs of sock on when… oh
Oh no you don’t. You and your double socks. No. No thank you.
Do you even own slippers?
I own some slippers, some nice leather ones I bought from Clarks. I’ve had them forever, certainly before Ted was born and I really like them. Sadly the inside of the slipper isn’t as durable as the nice leather upper, as its worn through under my big toe. I keep playing with it and it makes my toe sore after a while. I think I need some new ones.
I’ve not reached the stage in my life where slippers are an option. They’re not and won’t be for a while.
You reached the stage in your life where slippers are an option about fifteen years ago, you’re just in denial about it.
Kev, I’m sorry to hear about your sore toe slipper fiasco. We are all here for you.
Do you have news printed on the bottom of your slippers?
News? No. Just a trademark. Like Action Man’s pants.
You wear your pants on your feet?