I see that Ian is trying to start a new rap battle, maybe to make up for the fact that he lost the last one.
That’s fine. I’ll take him on any time, ready to fire my sick beats and dope rhymes his way. Like Kev, I’m gold on the floor and gold on the mic. But unlike Ian, I have nothing to prove.
In the couple of years that have passed since we last duelled, I haven’t felt the need to go showboating around with my rap skills. In fact Sheriff Rockingham has been putting his time into something far more wholesome.
I decided it’s time rappers did something more to help the environment. To stand up for the little creatures out there who are just hustling for a seed here, a seed there, trying to make it through the winter. That’s why I’ve been investing my rap riches in the bird table biz.

That’s right. It’s easy to assemble. You heard, the wood is from well managed forests. It’s even got a carry handle, fool. The grounds of Rockingham Palace are stuffed with these things and the birds love them. Time to get yourself in on the action before you get left behind.
7 comments on “Sheriff Rockingham raises the stakes”
I think you’ve missed a trick by not investing in Mealworm Peckerbites which are so catchy I wish they did a human version.
You have no proof that I didn’t.
You have no proof that you did.
Who are you, the mealworm peckerbite police?
*thinks* I have been looking for a new career, it’s been a while since I was a fashionista or whatever it was the last thing I was. It’s a zinger of a job title too.
I reckon you’ll get a brilliant hat if you do that job. Like a policeman’s helmet, but covered in bird seed.
There’s a job out there for everyone. If the hat is a disappointment though I will be, well, disappointed. I’m going to start making my own hat now to avoid that disappointment, skirt around it if you will.