What do you mean you didn’t know I was a doctor?
What do you mean you didn’t know I spent seven years plus training? Do you mean all those times I was prescribing medication you weren’t paying attention?
Are you saying that every single time I swore the Hippocratic oath you didn’t listen? Every time I tore off someone’s leg and saved their life you didn’t notice?
Do you people even know anything about me?
8 comments on “The Doctor will see you now”
I like that Swimming Casual is £3. That sounds like a good deal. Presumably Swimming Formal involves eveningwear and is very expensive.
You’d better not be breaking into any sort of effort or rhythm in a casual swim, you’ll be prosecuted for less.
I don’t know about you but at my age the only kind of swim I’m capable of is cashv… khass… cavshs… is leisurely.
Do you really only get 60 minutes? Do they time you? I haven’t been swimming in years and I don’t remember it being this rigidly defined. You just went for a swim, with a key on a rubber band round your wrist, and then afterwards you had some crisps in a bar that hadn’t been redecorated since 1974.
Sorry Grandad, things have changed since you last went for a swim. Now soldiers patrol the outskirts of the pool and if you still one second longer than you’re permitted they pezzle you with VHS tapes.
That confirms that dry land is the place for me. Here on shore I’m tapeless and pezzle-free.
You can’t outrun the pezzle. It will find you when you least expect it, possibly repairing all those fences that belong to you and BAM you’re out, kid.
But I’m not due a pezzling! I haven’t swum in years, let alone overstayed my strict 60 minute casual swimming contract.