After a suitable gap, long enough for us all to forget most of what’s in it, I’m delighted to announce the online publication of Three Men in a Tin Shed, the commemorative book of Bridlington 2021.

If you care to flick through its lemon cake tinged pages, you’ll find:
- Ian’s Love Pipe
- Kev’s fizzy pizza
- Chris showering in jeans
- Ludwig von Slugwig
- Ian “taking the weight”
- Chris’s cockney French
- Kev stepping over Wom
- The “ramming it home” flowchart
You can read it, and all our other literary masterpieces, in the Books section.
7 comments on “Three Men in a Tin Shed”
I’m gonna need a whole new pair of eyes just to enjoy this. Excellent stuff.
I haven’t read all of this back yet, but so far page 29 is my favourite.
*skips to page 29*
That’s a good page. It’s all gold though, 100% pure.
I think the picture of Ian on page 34 might be the best picture of Ian ever. The sheer enthusiasm and delight on his face is infectious.
Maybe I should tattoo that face onto my face so that when I go into work I can pretend I’m brimming with enthusiasm and delight like the other me.
Having your face tattooed onto your face sounds like a brilliant idea. I’m too interested in that to read or care what was in the rest of your comment. Go make that happen.
If I were you, I would have done the same thing. Pass me the needle, I’ve got some history to make.