You know the things? Some of the old video things. And the old audio things. Not the finished things, we’ve got those, but the footage we shot when we were making the things? Those.
And some pictures. Those things too. And documents and writing and pictures and old websites. All those things.
Shall I show you where some of those things are? They used to be here:

But now they’re not there, because of brokenness and disaster. So now, I think they’re nowhere.
That’s where the things are. Or maybe, more accurately, that’s where the things aren’t.
27 comments on “Where the things are”
All the things™ have gone to the same digital graveyard as This gives me much sad.
One of the sad things is that I just put the things™ on that disk a year ago when I had a clear out, so they haven’t been there long, and now I can’t remember which things™ were on it. I just know it was full of stuff.
How much brokenness is there? Is it the disk or the enclosure that’s failed?
I don’t think I can add much to this post.
If you can’t add something, could you take something away?
I don’t know if it’s the disk or the enclosure because I haven’t got anything else to put the disk in to test it. I might take it in to work one weekend and see if I can fettle it a bit.
Maybe if you fuck about with it for a bit it might work, like a Windows phone.
I think fucking about with it for a bit is the answer.
See? You can add something to this post! Look at you and be inspired.
Based on that, I’m now looking bells!
Given that you didn’t think you could add much, and then you did, do you think you could do even more of the unexpected and fix my external hard disk?
Sorry mate, I have a lot on my plate at the moment. Now that I have entered the professional word of ‘food bothering’, external hard drive fixery is now back of the queue.
That’s a shame. Maybe I’ll take it to Kev and get him to varnish it or something.
You could stick it on the bonnet of your car.
Kev would fashion it into a staircase.
My car? He’d fashion my car into a staircase? Would my car be able to drive up staircases afterwards?
Nah, Kev would fashion the external hard drive into a staircase then he’d turn your car into a set of stepladders and use them to paint his kitchen.
It would be interesting to see someone drive a staircase up a staircase though.
I don’t want my car turning into stepladders, unless it would be possible to convert it, Transformer-style, between the two things. Then I’d be well up for it.
No. That’s not how it works. Get it right (idiot).
It’s either one thing or the other. There’s no switching between the two like a charley horse. Once it’s changed then there’s no going back. In fact, when was the last time you checked your car? He may have swiped it already.
I saw my car yesterday afternoon, at which time it did not fold out and could not be climbed, so that was fine. When was the last time you checked YOUR car? Last I heard, Kev was on his way to Newcastle to grind your car into a box of wood screws (wheeeeey! what?).
I haven’t seen my car for three years. Every time I get in it I close my eyes, and that’s how I drive. Quite how I have lived this long is anyone’s guess.
He may have already grinded (grindded? grandad?) it into some screws.
He’s very good at grandadding. He’s done it twice to his own father now. (Wheeeeey! What?)
He made his father into a big old grand father. He transformed his own flesh and blood into a different thing. He’s a powerful one if that there Kevin. He should be feared, like a honey badger.
Or Ricky Grover.
Or Ricky Grover, exactly! He’s the more photogenic of the honey badger crossers though, that’s why he’s always on the telly. If I’m facing the end of the world I want Ricky Grover on my side.
Too right. I’d also like him on my side if I’m facing Kev, because he’s scary, though I can’t be bothered re-reading three or four previous comments to remind me why.
It’s because Kev did some transforming or forced his family members to transform into things that they may or may not have wanted to.
See? It all makes sense now.
What I love about this website it how relevant all the comments are to the post that precedes them. Ricky Grover is bang on the late 90’s fashions, can he fix your disk-a-ma-drive?
I reckon he could give it a good shouting at, which would make it work again out of fear. Repairs through intimidation.