Posts filed under 'Silly Bint of the Month'
Well I’m sorry but I’m sick of hearing about her. It’s not nice when people die and it was a bit of a downer when she did but for crying out loud first they had that stupid music gig for her which consisted of a bunch of bands and artists that were loosely connected to her and then they were still showing programs and tributes this weekend. Ten years since she’s been gone, I was half expecting someone to come up with some silly name for the whole affair and due to my bad eyesight and pondiferous imagination I thought they had. There was an advert for that shitty program ‘Dance X’ on BBC1 and I thought it said ‘Diana X’.
It would have tied the whole thing together and annoyed me at the same time. Due to the consistency of her exposure she is, controversially, the silly bint of the month.
August 28th, 2007
Yes I’m afraid it looks as though it is to be my beloved Kirsten Dunst. Many a time have I admired her for looking pretty in ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ and feisty in both of them Spiderman films but now it’s no more. The magic is well and truly gone. She has made the silly, silly mistake of deciding to go out with front arsehole of the shithouse band Razorlight, Johnny Borrell. Not only that she has mentioned to press that she would like to act in a film with him. Hmmm, let me see; his acting abilities stretch as far as taking his top off and acting like a knob. It’s a small CV I admit but there must be something out there that would get him started. Perhaps lorry crash victim number four or crash test dummy number two would suffice?
Good bye my dear.
June 13th, 2007
Right, I’m sick of this shit. Every god damn time she’s there with her stupid comments, which she’s probably been up all night writing herself, smiling away and not knowing that everyone (probably) hates her. Who?
Cat Fucking Deeley
She’s gone too far. Have you seen American Idol? There’s no point in the program itself (apart from the funny auditions) but they have this other guy who does the bits where he talks to the contestants. What does she do? Gets paid millions to stand by a fountain and spew crap. You heard me. Spew. Crap.
Although if anyone does have any other nominations for silly bint please let me know.
February 11th, 2007

In preparation for ‘Silly Bint of the Month’ I decided to type ‘Silly Bint’ into Google image search and this is what came out. Thing is he doesn’t look silly or bintish which makes me wonder why he appeared in the first place. It’s a mystery…
Do we have any nominations? After reading the Metro this morning I think a strong candidate would be Paris Hilton who managed to run out of petrol for her car THREE times in the same day. What a woofer!
January 8th, 2007
Order! Order!
I wish to call upon the other gentlemen to advise accordingly on the proposed matter as stated above. In order to facilitate a fair and organised discussion I throw the affair up in the air and expect fully-rounded replies of a subtle yet thorough nature.
I propose we nominate Madonna for believing that importing a baby was a good idea.
October 23rd, 2006
I’ve decided to start a new category for all those silly bints that plague our everyday life. This month I have decided to nominate Katie Melua. Why you may ask? Well, not only is she still the blandest of the bland but in an effort to drum up publicity she performed underwater yesterday at some cruddy oil rig. I don’t know about you but if I was a rig worker the last thing I would want is to be stuck all the way down there, in a hot, claustrophobic environment with, “There are nine million bicycles in Bejing…” echoing around the room. Surely that’d be the ideal place to organise a lynching. Noone would know and there are no laws under the sea >:) or is that just me? Then she just flew straight home to London.
What a silly bint.
October 3rd, 2006
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