Logical Dreamscape (5)

September 1st, 2010

I thought my subconscious had returned to normal but clearly it hasn’t. Luckily this was a lot shorter than the previous ones.

I’m in my old bedroom, as in the one back at my mum’s house and I must be something like twelve or thirteen. As I sit on my bed covering the wall directly in front of me is a large collection of plastic drawers and in each drawer are things like pens and stationary items. I look through each one diligently and to my surprise all the ones on the far right have hamsters in.

I shut the drawers quickly to make sure they don’t escape however I’m not quick enough. Hamsters seem to pour out of nowhere and go underneath my bed. I’m worried I’ll squish them so I move out of the way towards the window. It’s get a little too much and I weep openly and I’m pretty sure I ask for someone’s help but whoever is in the room with me offers some useless words of advice and carries on reading their magazine.

So I stand there not knowing what to do, feeling as though I’ve let my hamsters down.

What does it mean?!?

Entry Filed under: Bedtime stories,Ian

Something random

