Stage Sluts – A Novel Idea

July 1st, 2009

Mr. Cockall returns and interviews tomorrows geniuses (again using song)

Who are you?    Geoff Cornbladder

What’s the idea?    Stage Sluts

What is it?   Today’s television needs a more updated approach to younger women, what they talk about and what is important in their lives. After a brief five minute survey with the lasses in my office it was decided that gigs are where women open up and discuss more. What we’re talking about is like ‘Loose Women’ for the 16 to 25s and with less haggered crones.

What does it do?   It will be a beacon in a darkened room. What better way to feel smug about yourself than listen to some over-dressed, obnoxious little turds who are only concerned about shagging the lead singer of whatever band is on stage? It will be a huge morale boost for women everywhere. Fair enough the music scene may dip for a while but we’ll just have to hope that men batting for both sides will pick up the pace.

What are you gonna do about it?   Nothing Mr. Cockall, it’s all in my head >:)

Entry Filed under: Mr. Cockall's Loveliness

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