I have a less interesting life than Marshall
May 28th, 2006
Got up, thrusted my loins, fed baby breakfast, went for a walk to the co-op, had lunch, thrusted my loins, put baby down for a nap, wrote another ‘hilarious’ Flat Kitty and Wobbly Dog story, woke baby from nap, thrusted my loins, put baby to bed, spent an hour trying to make him sleep, thrusted my loins, made a cd, stayed up until midnight… 😛 and that’sa end of that chapter.
Sorted. Respect due.
   I love jiggy pirates!
Entry Filed under: What I Did Today
1. Chris | May 28th, 2006 at 11:34
It’s good that, even though your days are really busy, you still find time out to relax, take a breath, and appreciate the finer things in life by thrusting your loins.
2. Ian Mac Mac Mac McIver | May 28th, 2006 at 14:11
It’s everthing I stand for 😀
3. Kevil | May 30th, 2006 at 09:19
LIONS!LOINS!4. Chris | May 30th, 2006 at 09:29
Lions’ loins?
5. Ian Mac Mac Mac Mac McIver | May 30th, 2006 at 12:51
Now there’s a pair you’d have trouble getting. I suggest ebay.
6. Ian Mac Mac Mac Mac McIver | May 30th, 2006 at 12:54
I tried putting it in but came up with nothing 🙁 I just tried Loins and it only came up with football clothing. What is the world coming to?
I suggest we sell some loins on ebay.
7. sarah | May 30th, 2006 at 14:07
Did someone mention ebay?? 🙂
8. Kevil | May 30th, 2006 at 16:29
no. be gone with you!
9. Ian Mac Mac Mac Mac McIver | May 30th, 2006 at 20:22
Let the girl have her say Kev otherwise she’ll inflict that spinny thing on us again. Can’t let it happen. Won’t let it happen. Bad spinny!