Doody! Doody! Doody!

October 30th, 2006

Kev, obviously you know what this word signifies/means because you used to say it a lot when we’d be doing random shit for constantly falling. I’ve asked four people here today what doody means and if they’ve every heard of it and NONE of them (three Newcastle, one Middlesbrough) knew about it! :O Am I missing something here?

Marshall? Sarah? Do you know of doody? :O

Entry Filed under: Ian,Rants,Things


  • 1. Chris  |  October 30th, 2006 at 19:08

    I know of it through your immense and powerful renditions of it in song form during our Office days.

    Back in that golden era you would often sing “doody” at random intervals, often while thrusting your loins.

    Happy days.

  • 2. Ian Mac Mac Mac Mac McIver  |  October 31st, 2006 at 08:03

    I knew it. So it’s not just me. Siobhan said it was an american word which is why people may not have known about it BUT I claim it as my own.

    How powerful those songs were.

    DOODY! *thrusts*

  • 3. Kevil  |  October 31st, 2006 at 18:00

    DOODY! Tis a fine word dear fellow, taken to mean “Really fine fellow, what excellent news”.


    PS i ALSO claim this word as my own, but am willing to split it 50/50

  • 4. Ian Mac Mac Mac Mac McIver  |  November 1st, 2006 at 08:40

    Thats okay Kev, you have the whole 100% baby! I ain’t claiming what ain’t mine 🙂

    I’m just glad we’re all on the same dimensional plain and that all these other losers are floating in space (…what?)

Something random

