Garner This And Wait!

March 16th, 2011

Dear Proctor and Gamble,

I have to tell you I love your product Fairy so much. It is one of the consistencies in modern life; a product that continues to clean to a satisfactory level time after time after time. So much so I’ve written a poem about it:

Fairy Satisfaction

Oh how it cleans, oh how it sheens
Everything sparkles after using so little
Turning my plates that were dirty and brittle
Into steaming great monsters of shine
No need to work my behind
A few wipes and I’m done
That’s the beauty and the fun of Fairy
My hero
Or heroine
Or whatever gender washing-up liquid is

If I could I would use it for other things in fact occasionally I wash myself with it. Not in the washing up bowl of course but in the shower. So, two questions:

  1. Does washing up liquid have a gender and
  2. Are there any long-term side effects of using it on human skin?


Yours Faithfully

Ian McIver

Entry Filed under: Look at this,Things


  • 1. Kevil  |  April 4th, 2011 at 14:41

    You have too much time on your hands dear boy!

  • 2. Ian "Mac Mac Mac Mac" McIver  |  April 4th, 2011 at 16:03

    It was an experiment which worked out pretty well. I was satisfied with my response. The letter now resides in a close place near my heart.

Something random

